Our software is free, but to survive, we need you.
Continuing the innovation and development of X-Ray Application Software's products depends on the support of our users' donations. Every donation, large or small, will allow us to keep our software up-do-date, add the new features and create better products.
If you use and like our software, please consider making a donation. There are several possible methods to do it:
Click here to make a $10 donation using our merchant.
Alternatively you can use this link if you have any problems with the first merchant.
Note: Our online ordering system is secure (strong SSL encryption).
You can donate with Visa, MasterCard, American Express, JCB, Diners Club, Switch/Solo, Bank/Wire Transfer, Check or Cash.
Remember,you are neither required nor obligated, legally or morally, to donate in order to use the program, and contribution is strictly voluntary.