Изменения и дополнения:
- [+] HTTP 1.1/SOCKS4/SOCKS4a/SOCKS5 Proxy support added.
- [+] New Autoselect mechanism added.
- [+] First take on the implementation of command-line functionality.
- [+] Filter ordering support added.
- [+] ReplaceFirst/ReplaceLast/ReplaceAll macros added.
example: $ReplaceAll($Subject, old, new-new-new)
- [+] Decode macro added.
- [+] "Exit and shutdown service" menu item added.
- [+] Tray icon will be reinstalled after explorer crash.
- [-] Problem with sticky "Log timestamp" checkbox fixed.
- [-] Problem with "save to file" filter action fixed.
- [+] SMTP LOGIN authentication added.
- [+] $Exists macro added.
Загрузить xraybeta.zip
X-Ray Mail Assistant Beta Intallation.
Dowload the xraybeta.zip, unzip it,
copy/drag-'n-drop all unzipped files into X-Ray Assistant program-file
directory, and start the application.